Identification chips with temperature sensors have unquestionably made their way in recent years, opening unique opportunities to enhance animal well-being..
Discover three compelling reasons to adopt these devices in the management of animal care.
Enhancement of Animal Health Monitoring
Taking rectal temperature in animals can be stressful for all parties involved: the animal, the owner, and the veterinarian.
Les « puces température » telles que les Thermochips™ ou notre Animal ThermoID offrent une solution novatrice, réduisant considérablement le stress des animaux.
These chips allow for regular and non-intrusive monitoring of the animal's temperature.
Thermal chips facilitate taking multiple measurements over time. They enable establishing the individual temperature range of each animal and plotting curves for optimal monitoring, recognizing that rectal measurement remains the most precise at a given moment.
By allowing for prompt intervention in case of temperature variations, these chips contribute to preventive care, enhancing the quality of life for animals.
They also prove convenient for unruly animals and are highly useful for anesthesia and postoperative monitoring, all while minimizing handling.
In summary, temperature chips can enhance the efficiency of veterinary consultations.
Additional Service Offered by Veterinarians
Choosing chips with temperature sensors also enables veterinarians to meet the growing demand from pet owners.
This approach encourages owner to play an active role in monitoring the healtg of their animals.
Thermal chips and their associated readers indeed offer owners the ability to monitor temperature variations in their pets, similar to the monitoring we do for ourselves and our children.
These devices provide practical benefits while strengthening collaboration between animal healthcare professionals and owners, contributing to a better quality of life for our four-legged companions.
Prediction for the Foaling of Mares
Another advantage of thermal chips is their ability to detect an impending birth in a mare.
By regularly monitoring the body temperature, owners can anticipate when the mare will foal, as a significant drop in temperature occurs 12 hours before and during the birthing process.
This feature provides valuable insight, allowing owners and breeders to be prepared to support the mare during this crucial moment.
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In conclusion, the adoption of thermal chips like our Animal ThermoID represents much more than a mere technological update. It embodies an evolution of veterinary care towards a more proactive and participative approach.